Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry - Every Sunday @ 9:00am in the church cafe
Please join us before worship as we pray for the church, our church family, and pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily upon us in worship.
Genesis Class - Every Wednesday @ 10:30am
Christian education in the traditional Sunday School format. Bible study and discussion seeking a deeper understanding of the Word of God.
Men’s Bible Study - 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
A gathering of men committed to growing stronger in faith and in prayer for our church, our families, and for the greater community.
Women’s Ministry - 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:30pm
Women meeting for spiritual growth and study in order to more fully answer the call that God places on each of our lives.
United Women in Faith - 1st Tuesday of every month @ 10:00am in the church cafe.
The United Women in Faith carry on this great tradition of spreading the Gospel to each other and to the community at large. Under the leadership of the United Methodist Women of this congregation we have raised funds to support a missionary overseas, support and raise funds for Operation Christmas Child, work with the food pantry in Mt. Pleasant, provided Christmas gifts to needy young people in the Mt Pleasant area… among many other things!
All women of the church are members of the United Women in Faith!
Music Ministry
Chancel Choir - Wednesday Evenings
Our chancel choir performs almost weekly during the Sunday service and for special services. This choir practices weekly from early September through late May. The Chancel Choir is always looking for new voices to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Handbell Choir - Wednesday Evenings
Our handbell choir perform approximately once a month during the Sunday service and for special services. This choir practices weekly from early September through late May.
Adventures with God
Do you enjoy being outdoors? Do you like biking, camping, kayaking, hiking, and other outdoor activities? Come join the ministry that is going to take you on adventures to see God’s beautiful creation! Adventures With God has events all year long. These activities are open to anyone and we encourage you to bring the whole family and even friends to grow with us. If being adventurous isn’t for you, don’t worry – come join us for a picnic or small meal and fellowship afterwards!